e.o.messageSri Raja Rajeswara Swamy Vari Devastahanam, Vemulawada is Famous holy shrine in India Attracting thousands of pilgrims from every nook and corner of the country. Though the temple was established in 14th Century, it was improved considerably in both income and pilgrims. Devotees from far and wide will have blessings of Lord Shiva by offering their vows and by participating in religious worship.

The Management is dedicated to the service of pilgrims in order to their comfortable stay for a day or two at the same time getting the institution improved day by day. The results of their task are worth appreciable hither to and the persons those have interest to participate in the services of Devasthanam by offering their valuable donations either in cash or kind are cordially invited get their wishes fulfilled with the grace their wishes fulfilled with the grace of the Lord Shiva.

Yours Truly,
Doosa Rajeshwar M.A.,
Assistant Commissioner &
Executive Officer [ F.A.C.]
Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swamy Devasthanam,